宇航计测技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (5): 55-60.doi: 10.12060/j.issn.1000-7202.2024.05.09

• 量值传递技术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国船舶集团有限公司第七〇四研究所,国防科技工业大扭矩一级计量站,上海 200031
  • 出版日期:2024-10-15 发布日期:2024-11-11
  • 作者简介:齐红丽(1977-),女,研究员,硕士,主要研究方向:测试计量技术及仪器。

The Torque Calibration Technology Research of Micro Electromagnetic Components

QI Hongli,MA Xianglong,LI Tao   

  1. No.704 Research Institute,CSSC,1 st Class Torque Metering Station of National Defense Industry,Shanghai 200031,China
  • Online:2024-10-15 Published:2024-11-11

摘要: 扭矩是惯性导航系统微小电磁器件重要的特征参数,一般在毫牛米(mN·m)级至微牛米(μN·m)级。为了测量惯导系统微小电磁器件微牛米级的扭矩量值,研究了扭矩校准测量范围达到微牛米级的扭矩校准测量装置。装置采用了弹性挠性支承与零刚度理论相结合的扭矩校准测量新技术,设计了超薄型一体式限位保护结构的挠性支承,实现了装置零刚度支承结构,解决了挠性支承的多自由度扭转变形难题,使微小扭矩测量范围从mN·m级向下扩展到了μN·m级。实现了微小扭矩自动加载技术,提出了毫克(mg)级砝码逐级自动加卸载思路,解决了异型砝码设计和自动加卸载难题,消除了传统小扭矩装置手动加卸载产生的冲击干扰因素对装置测量结果的影响,实现了装置全量程范围自动校准和测量,提升了校准装置量传可信度。通过试验验证,该装置的量程范围达到5~500 μN·m,测量不确定度优于1%(k=2)。

关键词: 电磁器件, 扭矩, 挠性支承, 自动加载

Abstract: Torque is one of the most important parameters of the micromagnetic devices of inertial navigation system,which is usually from the milli-Nm to 10-6 Nm.In order to measure 10-6 Nm torque value of micromagnetic devices,this paper researches a standard torque device,which has a torque calibration and measurement range reaching to 10-6 Nm.The device adopts the new torque calibration and measurement technology based on the flexure suspension and zero-stiffness theory,designs the ultra-thin,one-piece flexure suspension protection structure,realizes the zero-stiffness suspension structure of the device,and solves the multi-degrees-of-freedom torsional deformation problem of the flexure suspension,so make the micro-torque measurement range expand to 10-6Nm consequently.Simultaneously,this paper realizes the small torque automatic loading technology,puts forward the idea of automatic loading of milligram (mg) level weights step by step,solves the automatic loading problem of heterogeneous weights,eliminates the impact influence generated by manual loading of traditional small-torque devices,realizes the device's full-range automatic calibration and measurement,and enhances the quantity transmission reliability.Experiments shown that the device has a measurement range from 10-6 Nm to 10-4 Nm,and a relative measurement uncertainty better than 1% (k=2).

Key words: Electromagnetic device, Torque, Flexure suspension, Autoloading
